
Contributing to the pipeline is fairly straight forward. The process is as follows:

  1. Fork the VDBWRAIR ngs_mapper project on GitHub
  2. git clone your forked version to your local computer
  3. Make changes to the code and ensure everything is tested
    • [[Make Tests]]
  4. Once you have tested all your changes you should commit them and push them up to your github fork of the project
  5. After you have pushed your changes to your fork on github you can create a pull request which essentially notifies the ngs_mapper maintainers that you have changes that you would like to apply and they can try them out.

Test Environment

The easiest way to ensure that the installer and everything works is to bring up a blank virtual machine to test inside of

The project is configured with a Vagrant file to make this easier

The Vagrant file that comes with the pipeline is configured to automatically provision either a CentOS 6.5 or Ubuntu 12.04 virtual machine. You can bring either or both up with one of the following commands:

  • CentOS 6.5

    vagrant up centos
  • Ubuntu 14.04

    vagrant up ubuntu
  • Both

    vagrant up